Our Process Yields Thoughtful Design that is Unique to Each Client

Design is an important part of every project and emphasis is placed on understanding the client’s practical requirements, personal preferences, and budget. The process is collaborative while also challenging client assumptions. The work of JLBA represents a range of styles which reflect the diversity of clients, project types, and site conditions. JLBA aims to create thoughtful design that is appropriate and unique to each client.

There are two guiding sets of principles which underlie the work. First, are the Roman philosopher Vitruvius’ ideals of ‘commodity, firmness, and delight’, or, that the projects serve their function, be well-built, and are beautiful. Beauty however is the most ineffable of terms but may be best described by the Renaissance architect Alberti’s ideal of ‘the harmony and concord of all the parts achieved in such a manner that nothing could be added or taken away or altered except for the worse’. After all, what can be more true than beauty that surrounds us and its pleasure?

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